These cards represent some of the challenging vocabulary on the SAT and ACT exams. Increase your speed on the tests by reviewing them regularly.
- temerityreckless boldness, rashness
- brashhasty, rash, impudent
- audaciousbold, daring, fearless
- impudentshameless, immodest
- impertinentrude, uncivil (also irrelevant)
- trepidationfear, alarm, or agitation
- jingoisticloudly and excessively patriotic, chauvinistic
- frugaleconomical, sparing, not wasteful
- mementoa keepsake, a reminder
- ravenousextremely hungry, famished, voracious
- stagnantstale or foul from lack of movement
- inimicalunfriendly, hostile, having enemies
- timidfearful, shy
- propensitya natural inclination or tendency
- proclivitya predisposition or natural tendency
- propinquitynearness, proximity
- superficialshallow, near the surface
- disparatecontaining different elements, distinct in quality
- disparageto lower in reputation, devalue, degrade
- aloofindifferent, distant, unconcerned
- triteunoriginal, overused, worn-out: "hashtag"
- nostalgialonging for the past, homesickness, sentimentality
- homogeneousof the same kind or nature, essentially alike
- languidlacking in spirit or interest, indifferent
- moroseill-humored, gloomy in mood
- onerousburdensome, oppressive, or troublesome
- inscrutableincapable of being analyzed or scrutinized
- precludeto exclude or prevent
- genialwarmly and pleasantly cheerful
- prevalentof general use or occurence
- status quothe existing state of affairs, the way things are
- voraciouseager, avid, craving large quantities
- imperiledendangered
- elusivehard to express or define, evasive
- morbidan unwholesome mental state, gloomy
- holisticregarding the whole rather than the parts
- paradoxan absurdity or self-contradiction
- prolifichighly productive in output
- pragmaticdescribing a a practical point of view
- verbatimin exactly the same words, word for word
- unalloyedpure
- routoverwhelming defeat and retreat
- sumptuousexpensive, luxuriously fine, splendid
- upbraidto censure or find fault with
- supplantto replace by force, strategy, or scheme
- contentiousargumentative, quarrelsome, controversial
- concisebrief in form, but broad in scope
- succintexpressed in few words
- exorbitantexcessive, exceeding propiety, or reason
- thwartto oppose successfully
- progenitora seed, a person or thing that originates
- redundantunnecessarily repetitive
- prodigiousabnormal or extraordinary in size or force
- dolta fool, a dull, stupid person