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Vocabulary Building

Click each card to see a definition.
  • fleece
    to charge excessively for goods or services
  • harangue
    to rant in speech or writing
Refresh page to change words, or go to the VERBS page for a longer list.
Click each card to see a definition.
  • emollient
    soothing to the skin or making less harsh or intense
  • dour
    stern, harsh, obstinate, unyielding, gloomy, sullen
Refresh page to change words, or go to the ADJECTIVES page for a longer list.

Flash cards represent a very old method of study drill. They economize study time while covering a great deal of material. Animation technology has brought flash cards to the internet and swept away the need for paper.

A weighty vocabulary can be difficult to maintain because many excellent words are useful only rarely. Powerful words can escape us over time by simple neglect. However, just as we practice yoga or piano, a short, regular routine can keep rare words fresh and ready at all times.

Help yourself to the random flash card drill on this page or go to the VERBS page or to the ADJECTIVES page to see a full list of selected power words.

Pick up a stack of index cards at the store and make your own old-time flash cards like these with words that you find interesting.