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This is just a quick flash card drill to review several common verbs in Spanish.
- abrirto open
- aceptarto accept
- apagarto turn off
- aprenderto learn
- bailarto dance
- beberto drink
- caberto fit
- caerseto fall
- cancelarto cancel
- cantarto sing
- cerrarto close/to shut
- comenzarto start/begin
- comerto eat
- conducirto drive
- contestarto answer, to reply
- cortarto cut
- conocerto know a person or place
- contarto count
- comprarto buy
- cambiarto change
- correrto run
- creerto believe
- decirto say or tell
- deletrearto spell
- dañarto damage
- darto give
- dejarto leave, abandon, allow, permit
- desayunarto have breakfast
- descansarto rest, lie down
- desearto wish
- despertarto wake up
- dibujarto draw
- dormirto sleep
- encenderto turn on
- encontrarto find
- enseñarto teach
- entenderto understand
- enviarto send
- escribirto write
- escribir a máquinato type
- escucharlisten
- esperarto wait
- estudiarto study
- explicarto explain
- firmarto sign
- fumarto smoke
- gastarto spend
- hablarto speak or talk
- hacerto make or do
- herirto wound or offend
- intentarto try
- irto go
- jugarto play
- leer;to read
- limpiarto clean
- llegarto arrive, to reach
- llenarto fill
- llevarto take, to carry
- lloverto rain
- marcharseto go (as in "function" or "work")
- mirarto look or watch
- nadarto swim
- necesitarto need
- oirto hear
- olvidar;to forget
- organizarto organize
- pagarto pay
- peinarto comb
- pensarto think
- perderto lose
- permitirto allow
- poderto be able (can)
- ponerto put
- ponerse de pieto stand
- preguntarto ask
- preocuparseto worry
- prestarto borrow
- quejarseto complain
- quererto want, to require, to love
- repararto fix
- responderto reply
- romperto break
- saberto know facts
- sacarto take pictures, to get meaning
- salireave or go out
- sentarseto sit
- tenerto have
- tener exitoto succeed
- terminarto finish
- tomarto take (a taxi, a pill)
- traerto bring
- toserto cough
- trabajarto work
- traducirto translate
- utilizarto use
- usarto use
- venderto sell
- verto see
- viajartravel
- vivirto live
- volarto fly