I’ll be happy to highlight it and link to your site if I think it’s clever enough. |
The Incomplete list of Inappropriate Words
- fuckwit
- from The Barrenness; London, England
- douch-canoe
- from The Bloggess; Texas, U.S.A.
- clam-jacked
- “the female equivalent of ‘cock-blocked'” from Julie McCullough; “The Funny Bunny” Playmate of the Month, February 1986
- badonk
- “shapely buttocks” from Vodka and Ground Beef; “This blog is herpes free.” [Possibly from Biz Markie]
- dirt pickle
- from The Johnny Dare Morning Show Kansas City’s Rock Station, 98.9 FM
- puke
- from William Shakespeare (deceased); Stratford, England
- fuck nugget
- from Meg; full name and address withheld
- pudding hatch
- from Tessa Goupil; Topeka, KS [from lyrics to “Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo” by The Bloodhoud Gang]
- chingaderrific
- from Minnow; Bagdad, Arizona
- goat filcher
- from Brian Miller; Olathe, Kansas
- jelly button
- from a vague childhood memory
- vein cane
- from Daniel Tosh of Tosh.O
- mud packer
- from Sean; Topeka, KS
- sphincter biscuit
- from Chris@Knucklehead
- tapioca torpedo
- from Jim “Suldog” Sullivan; Watertown, Massachusetts
- panty-hamster
- from Kernut the Blond
- cum bubble
- from Consequently Slapdash [We are still researching as to what a “cum bubble” is, but we like it.]
- cock stain
- from Lisa Tibbets; Lewisville, Texas [from Clerks 2]
- stink hammer
- from Dave Bailey; lead guitarist for CleverMax; Ottawa, Kansas
- Porridge Pistol
- from socialassassin at Social Assassin: a sniper uses bollocks as ammunition; Somewhere in the British Isles
- Cock-juggling thundercunt
- bluzdude Darwinfish 2
- Dumb-Fuckery
- from Allie at I’m Not Really a Barista
- axe wound
- Rene at NotTheRockefellers.blogspot.com. This one is self-explanatory.
- twat waffle
- from Lisa Tibbets; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma This has been nominated twice. Might as well go with it.