While weaker writing and speaking rely heavily on adjectives, do not underestimate the power of a juicy modifier. Don’t forget to pick up some index cards and keep your own collection of mellifluous adjectives.
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Click each card to reveal a definition
- airyaffected, proud "airy condescension"
- acerbicsour, harsh or severe in temper or expression
- affablebeing pleasant, at ease, or gracious in talking to others
- ambientexisting or present on all sides
- aquilineresembling an eagle's beak or an eagle
- arduousdifficult, strenuous, or marked by great effort
- avariciousgreedy
- awashovercome as if by a flood "awash in brandy"
- bellicoseinclined to start quarrels
- bereftdeprived of the possession or use of something
- biliousdisplaying a peevish or ill-natured disposition
- bruskshort, abrupt, blunt in speech or manner
- caliginousmisty, dark
- callipygianhaving shapely buttocks
- callowlacking adult sophistication
- charycautious or vigilate about dangers and risks
- comelyhaving a pleasant appearance, not homely or plain
- commodiouscomfortably and conveniently spacious or roomy
- condigndeserved, appropriate
- convivialfond of feasting, drinking, and good company
- corpulenthaving a large bulky body
- desultorymarked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose
- diffidentshy or lacking self-confidence in speaking or acting
- dourstern, harsh, obstinate, unyielding, gloomy, sullen
- dowdyshabby or unbecoming in appearance
- effetelacking character, vitality or strength
- egregiousconspicuously bad
- emollientsoothing to the skin or making less harsh or intense
- erstwhileformerly or in the past
- etiologicalassigning or seeking to assign a cause
- evanescenttending to vanish like a vapor
- exigentrequiring immediate aid or action
- exiguousinadequate or scanty
- expansivein high spirits, generosity, or readiness to talk
- exuberantjoyously unrestrained and enthusiastic
- fecundfruitful, prolific, or highly productive
- fortuitousoccurring by chance
- frowsya musty, stale smell or unkempt appearance
- fugaciousdisappearing early as in leaves of plants
- fulsomeexcessively complimentary or flattering
- garishexcessively bright, tastelessly showy
- gregariousindicating a liking for companionship
- halcyoncalm, peaceful, happy, prosperous, or affluent
- hyperboreandescribing people of the arctic or northern climes
- implacablenot easily appeased, changed, or mitigated
- inadvertentunintentional or inattentive
- incipientbeginning to come into being or to become apparent
- incisiveimpressively direct in manner or presentation
- inexorablenot to be persuaded or moved, relentless
- innocuousharmless or unlikely to offend
- irenicconducive to peace, moderation, or conciliation
- insipidtasteless, uninteresting, dull, flat, vapid, inane
- intransigentrefusing to compromise
- inviolablesecure from violation, assualt, or trespass