Strong writing and speaking employ descriptive verbs. Help yourself to this list of verbs that you are likely to hear at some point in classrooms and on radio or television. Don’t forget to rack up some of your own flash cards of verbs that you find particularly interesting!
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Click each card to reveal a definition.
- abrogateto abolish by authoritative action; nullify
- abscondto depart secretly and hide oneself
- amalgamateto mix or consolidate into a single body
- appeaseto bring to a state of calm or peace or to pacify
- asperseto attack a reputation, often with false charges
- assayto analyze for one or more specific components
- assuageto lessen the intensity of or to end by satisfying
- belaudto praise, usually to excess
- brookto tolerate
- bastardizeto reduce from a higher to a lower state, debase
- beleaguerto besiege, trouble or harass
- calumniateto utter maliciously false statements about
- capitulateto surrender under terms or to acquiesce
- castigateto subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism
- compriseto include within a particular scope [not "compose"]
- couchto phrase or express in a specified manner
- cozento coax by artful deception or to cheat
- cudgelto beat with, or as if with, a heavy club
- embroilto involve in conflict or difficulties or to confuse
- equivocateto deceive by using language with double meaning
- eructto belch (noun. "eructation")
- exacerbateto make more violent, bitter, or severe
- expiateto make amends or to extinguish guilt by ending
- expostulateto reason earnestly and dissuade or remonstrate
- expungeto strike out, obliterate, or mark for deletion
- extirpateto destroy completely or to pull out by the root
- fleeceto charge excessively for goods or services
- fulminateto denounce or to give censure or invective
- fustigateto criticize severely
- harangueto rant in speech or writing
- imputeto blame, often falsely
- inureto accustom to accept something undesirable
- immolateto kill or destroy by fire, as in sacrifice
- inveighto protest or complain bitterly or vehemently
- inculcateto teach and impress by frequent repetition or admonition
- imponeto wager or to bet
- impingeto have an effect or make an impression
- imbueto permeate or influence as if by dyeing
- imbrueto stain by soaking or drenching
- imprecateto invoke evil on or to curse
- imbruteto sink or degrade to the level of a brute
- immureto enclose as if within walls or to imprison
- infuseto permeate with a quality or principle usually to improve
- impartto give or convey with authority or as if with authority
- impugnto assail or attack as false or lacking integrity
- moilto be in continuous agitation or confusion
- malignto utter injuriously misleading or false reports about
- mollifycalm, soothe, or soften in feeling or to make less severe
- niggleto find fault constantly in a petty way
- obnubilateto becloud or obscure
- purlointo appropriate wrongfully, often by a breach of trust
- peregrinateto travel or walk about
- purportto have the appearance of intending or claiming
- prevaricateto deviate from the truth or to equivocate
- osculateto kiss
- promulgateto make public by declaration
- quellto overwhelm and reduce to submission or to quiet
- razeto shave off, cut down, or demolish
- repudiateto divorce or reject as unlawful or unjust
- subsumeto include or encompass within something larger
- stultifyto inhibit by alleging stupidity or absurdity
- scudto move swiftly as if driven, perhaps by wind
- suffuseto spread through as if in the manner of fluid or light
- traduceto expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood
- transpireto give off vapor or to become known or apparent
- vilipendto disparage or to treat as of little worth
- vilifyto lower in estimation or importance
- vitiateto make faulty or defective or to impair